In which I convinced Chuck to get a massage, and it goes a little further and a little further until before I know it I was holding his huge hard cock in my hand and Chuck had a big-ass smile on his face.
There's more road trip shenanigans with Neo and Zed to come, however lets break it up with a gold old-fashioned buddy blowjay.
Sometimes a buddy needs money. He'll call me up and be like, as in Allen's case, "I'm getting an apartment with my GF off base and there's a security deposit." I can help with that.
Allen has to remain mos... continued
So Tom is a buddy of mine, who, after some nights hanging out together, let it be known that he'd really like to tape for me. Like, he was really clear about the fact that I should talk to him about what he could do. And the way he said it, I realized this meant that he's heard that I could suck a dick and he wanted to find out what this ... continued
Last September, Major Wood and I went on a recruiting expedition to the East Coast, where he found an amazing piece of Marine magnificence, Sgt. Bo. We didn't have much time there, but the Major managed to tape him twice that last weekend, you can watch those movies over on In the second of those two videos, I was in ... continued
I've wanted to release this one for a long time. This video wasn't 'lost' like the last one. Because Nick was a sergeant in the Marine Corps at the time, I didn't want to put his career at risk. Somehow or another I think I had a premonition that he would be the one discovered by the Marine Corps! If it happened, I didn't want him to have... continued
This is amazing: going back though my old hard drives I came across this previously unreleased video. It was all zipped up and stashed in an unassuming folder so I had just completely forgotten about it. It was originally recorded when James was still a Sgt in the Marine Corps, and so I was keeping it under wraps until after he got out. T... continued
So, this is a video I recorded two and half years ago, right before the end. It sucked to have to put it on the shelf, because it's such a hot video. It's the last one with Nick, who was the Marine who got popped in the 29 Palms Marine Porn Scandal, and James who was a sergeant getting out of the USMC so I got him to let me tape him in un... continued
My buddy Robert came over last weekend, ready to go out to the bar with me but only if he could crash at my place so he didn't have to drive back on base. Of course I said yes.
We went out, had fun, and Robert got himself a serious set of bluebells from eyeing the chicks in the bar, none of whom had any interest. When we got back it w... continued
This was, for me, one of the hottest videos I've ever shot...but in my excitement I fucked it up. I present it to you anyway, because it would be a shame to miss out on this, even though I forgot to flip a switch on my camera so there isn't any sound. I was messing around with a new microphone so I could get better sound for you gu... continued
This is Part 2 to the video Shower Buddies. Warhammer and I went into my room, and well the only way to describe it is we went to fucking town and back. The thing I love about Warhammer is, although he's one of the straightest dudes I have ever met, he just does't care. For him it's just a good time. What really DID surprise me though is ... continued
My buddy Warhamer and I were gonna head out to the bars, and he came by my place after duty to shower up as he has many times before. Knowing he was getting out soon, I asked him if I could tape one of our shower sessions and he said sure, so here you go. this video is the first part of 2, it was originally supposed to stand by itself b... continued
So one of my best friends in the world and one of the greatest marines you could know finally turned 21, which made a lot of people very happy. Yes, just because now our buddy can go out to bars with us. We're easy to please. We wanted to have a big party for him, but not here in ________. So I asked Dink Flamingo if we could have it at h... continued
If you've ever wondered what it would be like to have a straight buddy who gets so horny he comes over to your pad to fool around because his girl won't put out--this is the video you have to see.
I moved to a new house recently, one much nearer the base and not co-incidentally just a mile away from where King and his fiancee (now wife... continued
The next weekend after all that other shit went down, King came back for another round of drinking and partying, with one condition: tonight we were going to go out and look for some girls. King wants to make porn really bad, but he'd rather be making them with girls. unfortunately for him, there aren't a lot of girls around here.
So o... continued
At the end of Part Two, we saw that I was just about to lick out my bro's ass, but before that goes down I want us to hit the showers first. Gotta make sure things are clean back there.
That's where this tape begins—in the shower. It's amazing to me to watch this part again, because I'm really just all over him; rubbing my hard cock on... continued
This is where thing start to get really interesting.
The first part was King playing with himself, and then us hanging out naked together. In part two, we get down to business. When we started out that just meant jerking off together but we ended up doing just about everything by the time the night was through.
He knew that I had su... continued
King and I had just gotten back from Vegas a few hours before. I basically had to take him because of all the crazy fucked up shit we ended up doing during Night One. Basically I had to take him to a strip club in Vegas so he could A: remind himself that he was really straight and B: cleanse the memories of playing with me by having titti... continued