In which I convinced Chuck to get a massage, and it goes a little further and a little further until before I know it I was holding his huge hard cock in my hand and Chuck had a big-ass smile on his face.
There's more road trip shenanigans with Neo and Zed to come, however lets break it up with a gold old-fashioned buddy blowjay.
Sometimes a buddy needs money. He'll call me up and be like, as in Allen's case, "I'm getting an apartment with my GF off base and there's a security deposit." I can help with that.
Allen has to remain mos... continued
This video is from several months back, when Randy and Wyatt, otherwise known as 'Fuckmaster' were visiting at the same time, we spent a whole weekend partying, and this happened at one of those parties.
There's more of this video that will be posted in the "iPhone" section very soon, like in the next few days
So if you've been following my Snapchat or Instagram, you've been dying to see Jack for a while now.
Jack, another buddy of mine and I went shooting on of all days, Easter. We went out to the desert and my other buddy (who must remake nameless and unseen) brought his huge arsenal of firearms. We took them out to the empty desert where... continued
In the second part of Garage Naked Beer Pong, Randy and Caleb go for Round 2. They put their shirts and shorts back on, but not their full kit, so it wouldn't take long for them to get naked which is what I think they really wanted.
After a quick game the boys start playing slap-ass, Marine-style. Which means both their cheeks were r... continued
Randy and Caleb are best friends and have been for about as long as they've both been stationed here in the Marines. Their times here almost matched but Caleb got here a little later and so got out a little later, waiting for him to get out of the Corps is why I've been sitting on this video, which was actually shot on--get this--Christma... continued
Zed and Neo are best bros, and we hang out a lot together, all three of us. A better, more loyal set of best friends you'll never find. I love these guys. Their ginger buddy William I don't know as well but he was cool, too. He was a fellow Marine from Zed's shop, married, just had a kid. Totally cool with peepin' his buddies' asses getti... continued
So if you've been on my SnapChat (search for 'msb_joe'), you know Zed. Zed and Neo are best bros, and we hung out a lot together, all three of us.
One of the first times we hung out, which I've been sitting on until now, was when Zed and Neo went to get somewhat-matching ass-tatts. I say somewhat-matching because they got different ta... continued
Paul and Colton have been best friends for two years, ever since they met at a strip club and got kicked out together. Now they do everything together, when Paul came by to rub one out, he brought his best buddy Colton with him to watch.
So Tom is a buddy of mine, who, after some nights hanging out together, let it be known that he'd really like to tape for me. Like, he was really clear about the fact that I should talk to him about what he could do. And the way he said it, I realized this meant that he's heard that I could suck a dick and he wanted to find out what this ... continued
I've wanted to release this one for a long time. This video wasn't 'lost' like the last one. Because Nick was a sergeant in the Marine Corps at the time, I didn't want to put his career at risk. Somehow or another I think I had a premonition that he would be the one discovered by the Marine Corps! If it happened, I didn't want him to have... continued
So, this is a video I recorded two and half years ago, right before the end. It sucked to have to put it on the shelf, because it's such a hot video. It's the last one with Nick, who was the Marine who got popped in the 29 Palms Marine Porn Scandal, and James who was a sergeant getting out of the USMC so I got him to let me tape him in un... continued
I have a buddy that sometimes stops by after work for a dick-licking. Rick came by before he did and I didn't tell Nick he was coming over, hoping that Rick would want to stick around and help me tape, which he did.
Nick, having just watched his buddy Brennan get so horned up over a porn magazine that he had to rub one out (we got to watch too in last week's video Jerk Off Buddies), realizes that he's horny too and doesn't want to be left out of the fun. Coming to a conclusion that everyone else came to long ago, Nick decides that he should drop his ... continued
This was actually the first video I shot with Nick and Brennan, but because I was so eager to show you the wrestling videos it got out of order. Nick and Brennan stopped by after duty because neither of them wanted to go home just yet because they were both have trouble getting their women to understand that sometimes a guy just needs to ... continued
After watching Robbie and Steve's amateur hour wrestling, Nick and Brennan decided to step up and show the kids how the men do things.
Nick and Brennan are both much larger, and much more skilled, so this round is that much more intense. Robbie and Steve stuck around to watch, and although Robbie is giving out instruction the whole time... continued
I hadn't seen my buddies Robbie and Steve (who are best friends and roommates in the barracks) since they got back out of the field, so I had them over to the house last weekend, along with my buddies Nick and Brennan (who are also best friends and roommates but off base at Nick's house).
The afternoon started off regular enough, ... continued