In the second part of Garage Naked Beer Pong, Randy and Caleb go for Round 2. They put their shirts and shorts back on, but not their full kit, so it wouldn't take long for them to get naked which is what I think they really wanted.
After a quick game the boys start playing slap-ass, Marine-style. Which means both their cheeks were r... continued
Randy and Caleb are best friends and have been for about as long as they've both been stationed here in the Marines. Their times here almost matched but Caleb got here a little later and so got out a little later, waiting for him to get out of the Corps is why I've been sitting on this video, which was actually shot on--get this--Christma... continued
Zed and Neo are best bros, and we hang out a lot together, all three of us. A better, more loyal set of best friends you'll never find. I love these guys. Their ginger buddy William I don't know as well but he was cool, too. He was a fellow Marine from Zed's shop, married, just had a kid. Totally cool with peepin' his buddies' asses getti... continued
So if you've been on my SnapChat (search for 'msb_joe'), you know Zed. Zed and Neo are best bros, and we hung out a lot together, all three of us.
One of the first times we hung out, which I've been sitting on until now, was when Zed and Neo went to get somewhat-matching ass-tatts. I say somewhat-matching because they got different ta... continued
Paul and Colton have been best friends for two years, ever since they met at a strip club and got kicked out together. Now they do everything together, when Paul came by to rub one out, he brought his best buddy Colton with him to watch.
Long time fans of my site know that 99.9% of the guys I tape on my site are Marines from the bas next door. One of the only civilians I ever taped was big-dicked Stoner Scott. The cool thing about Scott is that he was raised by nudists, so even though he's straight he doesn't give a damn about being naked, at all.
On this particular d... continued
Some of my buddies including Ted and Shawn had a 96 (96 hours of liberty) and wanted to spend it off-base. So we rented a room and had a motel party, and of course I brought my camera.
Out at the bar we met Brad and his buddy who came back to the room to party with us. Brad was the first to get naked, cuz he don't give a fuck, and then... continued
So by now Trevor and Nick had been wrestling quite a while, and they weren't fucking around either they really went at it. After a night of grappling across every piece of furniture in the room, Nick had to take a smoke break. He spent it in front of the patio window showing his big dick off to the whole world, and although we were up on ... continued
So once again my buddy comes over cuz my place is nicer than the barracks. Well, it is. Actually he's here most of the time that he's not on post, which is fine by me because he's about the nicest, coolest guy you can imagine. Like, I had a party here this last weekend and he brought some buddies over to help clean up. Also, he likes to j... continued
My old buddies King and Zack came back for a visit recently. They flew out, but we roadtripped back, King, Zack and myself (they live in neighboring states). Both these guys are tight bros with me but had never previously met, although they had heard about each other from me. Since they were each super-tight with me and both shared a love... continued
Yep, Zack again. He loved being naked what can I say. This video is from right after I got back from a convention I had to go to. It's my first day back and Zack and I have been totally missing hanging out, so I picked him up as soon as he got off duty so we could chill and drink some brews. I made him drive so I could hold the camera.
... continued
This video is from the last day of our road trip, two days after the events of Motel Room Fun and Josh Fucks a Doll. The next day, the guys' leave would be over and they'd have to get their hair buzzed again (you may like to see the regulation haircuts but they were enjoying being 'longhairs' and hated to go back). We were basically just ... continued
My buddy Zack loves to be naked. Almost any excuse will do. Lately when he gets off duty he's been coming over to my pad so he can enjoy a clothes-free lifestyle, and he lets me tape everything. I hope y'all are enjoying it.
Last Monday he came over to hang out and we got to talking about YouTube videos, and I mentioned the famous "Men... continued
John is one of those guys that's just totally a sexual being. He's very lucky in that he's found a girl that's the same way...or when we were making this video. Both of them are into no-rules, no-hangups sex. So you'll see John do some stuff that you don't normally get to see a straight guy do, but you'll see them get done by his girlfrie... continued
I met Dan in a hardware store. He was working behind the counter, bored off his ass and (he told me later) high.
I was in there with a friend getting some towing supplies, and wasn't even intending to be scouting. But the moment I saw him, I knew I had to get him on camera.
He had that certain youthful energy that an 18 year-old has... continued