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Download videos of naked Marines
I've wanted to release this one for a long time. This video wasn't 'lost' like the last one. Because Nick was a sergeant in the Marine Corps at the time, I didn't want to put his career at risk. Somehow or another I think I had a premonition that he would be the one discovered by the Marine Corps! If it happened, I didn't want him to have... continued
This was actually the first video I shot of Nick, just days after he got back from Afghanistan. Nick and I are like the best friends ever, and not having seen each other in 7 months we hang out for several days just drinking and chilling and having fun. And Nick was ready to have some fun.
If you've ever wondered what it would be like to have a straight buddy who gets so horny he comes over to your pad to fool around because his girl won't put out--this is the video you have to see. I moved to a new house recently, one much nearer the base and not co-incidentally just a mile away from where King and his fiancee (now wife... continued
This is Part 2 to the video Shower Buddies. Warhammer and I went into my room, and well the only way to describe it is we went to fucking town and back. The thing I love about Warhammer is, although he's one of the straightest dudes I have ever met, he just does't care. For him it's just a good time. What really DID surprise me though is ... continued
At the end of Part Two, we saw that I was just about to lick out my bro's ass, but before that goes down I want us to hit the showers first. Gotta make sure things are clean back there. That's where this tape begins—in the shower. It's amazing to me to watch this part again, because I'm really just all over him; rubbing my hard cock on... continued
My buddy Chad came over, and I talked him right out of his jeans. It wasn't that hard, I could tell he wanted to he just needed an excuse. I was not expecting him to ask for a blowjay though! Not a problem, I aims to please. Chad has been a former marine for 24 days in this video, hence the scruffiness. I had wanted to tape him the who... continued
My buddy Kevin, first off, is a hottie with an awesome dick. He likes to come over and hang out, and on one particular day I had my camera out and was taping him as he worked out a little bit. Then I was fortunate enough to catch him in the shower. Kevin loves to show off, so it was no problem getting him to go out side an dry off in the ... continued
My buddy Warhamer and I were gonna head out to the bars, and he came by my place after duty to shower up as he has many times before. Knowing he was getting out soon, I asked him if I could tape one of our shower sessions and he said sure, so here you go. this video is the first part of 2, it was originally supposed to stand by itself b... continued
Almost 50 minutes of pure straight marine craziness. Chrissie is almost wore out but the boys are ready to make the full march. As Jersey puts it, "We're brothers forever after this!"
This was, for me, one of the hottest videos I've ever shot...but in my excitement I fucked it up. I present it to you anyway, because it would be a shame to miss out on this, even though I forgot to flip a switch on my camera so there isn't any sound. I was messing around with a new microphone so I could get better sound for you gu... continued
A bunch of my buddies who are all in the same unit came over and got trashed...which led to a lap dance I'll never forget!
I met Jake when he was a marine just weeks away from getting out of the marines corps. He was the buddy of a buddy, but we became the better friends when he realized that he could be naked at my place all he wanted. The very first night he was at my place we ended up in a game of naked pong, unfortunately I can't show that one because the... continued
The next weekend after all that other shit went down, King came back for another round of drinking and partying, with one condition: tonight we were going to go out and look for some girls. King wants to make porn really bad, but he'd rather be making them with girls. unfortunately for him, there aren't a lot of girls around here. So o... continued
So a little while ago a sexy ladyfriend come to visit and we went out on the town and had ourselves some fun. At the end of the night last call found us with a new group of friends that were eager to come back with us and continue the party, which is just what we did. You can hear the party going on in the background, and it was a fun one... continued
My buddy Jake was coming over all the time as the days to the end of his service came up. On your last days, sometimes you may only have one appointment during the day and when you're done you don't even have to report for duty. And so he would show up at my house and we would hang out, drink beer and bullshit with each other before headi... continued
Mac, John and TK (AKA Tennessee) are marines and best friends, and are a wild bunch. Sandy redhead Mac has known Joe for a minute now, and knows how much fun coming back to Joe's "naked house" after the bars are all closed down for the night can be. Mac has been stationed with John and TK for almost three years and you can see when they'r... continued
And now the last and the best installment in the Josh Chillin' series. This video closes out an amazing day I had with my one of my best bros, after a huge party held at my house. Josh and I are such tight bros we decided to say the hell with the clothes and we spent the whole day hanging out naked. Josh has an incredible body and in this... continued
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