My buddies James, Ted and Ricco came over one otherwise boring evening, and you won't be surprised to discover that a night of drinking led to one thing and another, and boom there we were playing naked beer pong (again).
James and Ricco are best friends and war buddies. Proof: they have matching tattoos. All of them work together, so ... continued
My buddies Mark and George stopped by after duty a couple days back. As usual we had plans to get smashed and and stay that way, so I let them know that they could come to my place directly after duty and shower up here, that way they could crash here afterwards and have their uniforms ready to go and they could just take off right for wo... continued
This was, for me, one of the hottest videos I've ever shot...but in my excitement I fucked it up. I present it to you anyway, because it would be a shame to miss out on this, even though I forgot to flip a switch on my camera so there isn't any sound. I was messing around with a new microphone so I could get better sound for you gu... continued
So after Brodeo Pt 1, George, Brian and I went to a baseball game and had more than a few $12 beers (for those of you who are interested, it was a Diamondbacks/Padres game and the Diamonbacks took it). Afterwrads, we stumbled back to the hotel room and pretty soon these two were as naked as they wanted to be, which was pretty damn naked.
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I recently went on a short little road trip with two of my buddies; George, who you already know and Brian, who is one of George's (and my) best friends but you haven't seen yet. We spent two days in sunny San Diego drinking, cruising for chicks and generally having a blast. And I thought I would share some of the hilights with you.
Th... continued
Dan and new buddy Tony move over to the couch...the nice new couch my Mom bought, She'd be appalled, but she's not around to complain about it and boy do the two of them look good on it. heck out the way Tony is checking out his best friend Dan as they're spanking it together. I don't blame him, Dan is so hot I could't keep my eyes off hi... continued
After Dan and Tony had been hanging out at my place playing beer pong, naturally their thoughts turned to the realistic pussy and ass I picked up recently. Apparently Dan had been telling Tony all about it (although probably just to keep Tony away from the Fleshlight, which is definitely Dan's favorite thing in the whole world right now, ... continued
And now I would like to introduce you to Tony. Tony is a 22 y/o italian kid from New Jersey, and is best friends with Dan (or was...Dan just got out and is on a long roadtrip home even as I write this). They're from the same unit and have been for 3 years, but only started hanging out about 3 months ago. This was the first time I'd actual... continued
This is Part 2 to the video Shower Buddies. Warhammer and I went into my room, and well the only way to describe it is we went to fucking town and back. The thing I love about Warhammer is, although he's one of the straightest dudes I have ever met, he just does't care. For him it's just a good time. What really DID surprise me though is ... continued
My buddy Warhamer and I were gonna head out to the bars, and he came by my place after duty to shower up as he has many times before. Knowing he was getting out soon, I asked him if I could tape one of our shower sessions and he said sure, so here you go. this video is the first part of 2, it was originally supposed to stand by itself b... continued
Mark and George are back and I've got a new toy for them to fuck with, literally! Some hot horny mags and a Hustler and these guys are ready to get their dicks wet, but we're not gonna let the fact that there's no girls here get in the way.
My buddy Dan and his roommate in the barracks Chris were hanging out in my room drinking beer and shooting the shit. I used the opportunity to quiz them on various aspects of barracks life in the USMC, covering topics like how often they see each other naked, how many girls they've fucked together, and all kinds of other crazy stories.
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So by now Trevor and Nick had been wrestling quite a while, and they weren't fucking around either they really went at it. After a night of grappling across every piece of furniture in the room, Nick had to take a smoke break. He spent it in front of the patio window showing his big dick off to the whole world, and although we were up on ... continued
This video is a perfect example of why I take my video camera with me wherever I go. I was visiting my buddies Nick and Trevor, two of my best buddies who had long since been stationed at a base far away so I hadn't seen them in months. It was great seeing them again and it was like not a minute had passed. Along for the ride was a girl w... continued
This video is actually a continuation of Buzzcut 2. Zack has just got done giving Jack a really terrible buzzcut. We all told Jack at the time it was fine but's a good thing Jack didn't have any kind of inspection the next day (not that he would, unlike most of the guys on this site Jack is a former marine).
When this was t... continued
I shot this video a couple months ago, this was actually the first video I shot with Jack, right after he got out of the brig. Jack and I took a trip back up to the old homestead, where Zack had been living for a minute while he was, er, fixing up the place. You'll see what's up with that in a little bit, but that is why everything is in ... continued
I was visiting my buddy Trevor recentlyhe got stationed elsewhere a while back, but he remains maybe one of the tightest friends I've ever had, and as per our usual m/o we had a lot of fun in the motel room and he ended up, um...sleeping...pretty hard. Now we're super, super tight bros, so I knew I could get away with waking him up ... continued