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Neo and Rex Jerkin' Off (43 min)

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This one is basically a continuation of Neo is Naked and horny. It wasn't meant to be, but check this out:

Neo came over to hang out and let off some steam before he went on a date with a chick (a Comm student from base if I remember correctly). He hung out with his dick out and fucked my fake pussy-and-ass. When it was done, he didn't care to put on anything more than his silkies. That is the state he was in when another buddy of mine, Rex, showed up.

Now Neo and I were that absolute best of friends (still are). Rex I had met the night before at a party that Neo and I had gone to at a mutual buddy of our's house (the guy with the garage you saw in Garage Naked Beer Pong 1 & 2, we partied in that same garage). Rex heard about the shenanigans at my place and wanted in, wanted to know when he could come over and jerk off to some porn. "How 'bout tomorrow?" I said, at about 3 in the morning and three sheets to the wind (I don't know how many cases we went through but it was a lot). So I had actually completely forgotten about it when he called up Sunday afternoon, right after Neo and I had finished, saying he was on his way over.

Neo, still in his silkies, now with a wet spot in the front, decided he was having a great time and wanted to stay. At the party I could tell that Rex, no matter how much he talked about chicks, was a little curious and wouldn't mind, and he didn't. The two of them, already having got along great at the party, basically just picked up where they left off. In fact for the first 18 minutes they were just hanging out shooting the shit in their silkies, I split that part off and put it on YouTube:

Pretty soon I saw an opportunity and told Rex he should get naked...he asked why Neo didn't have to be naked and Neo could not got his silkies off any faster. I fucking love it when straight Marines can't pass up an opportunity to show eachother their dicks.

This video is kind of messy, because I wasn't really prepared for it and actually I was kinda fucked up, as Neo and I had already gone through half a case and several screwdrivers before Rex even got there. So the first part is them hanging out listening to music, which I didn't realize how loud it was. They turn it off before they start jerking it though.

Oh yeah, both guys wanted to jerk off, even Neo, who had just cum in my hand a little over an hour ago. Maybe that's why he was so horned up, because a running theme through this video is the girl he's supposed to hook up with (I think a different one than the night before) and how he's jerking off with us instead.

Hiowever Neo in fact was to worn out to finish, he faps with Rex for a while but then when he goes to take a piss, Rex finishes without him and Neo never goes back to it. Maybe the exciting thing about it was jerking off with a buddy and when that was done, he didn't care anymore. But as you watch Neo squirt his huge load over me, just know that Neo was back from the pisser and watching.

Then, because neither one of these guys wants to put on clothes, they hang out and talk some more in my kitchen, naked.

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