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After the Bars Close (19 min)

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So a little while ago a sexy ladyfriend come to visit and we went out on the town and had ourselves some fun. At the end of the night last call found us with a new group of friends that were eager to come back with us and continue the party, which is just what we did. You can hear the party going on in the background, and it was a fun one let me tell you. Anyway, my ladyfriend she is quite the instigator and once the beers started to rack up she managed to convince this group of guys who were best friends and who work together to play a round of naked beer pong. Jimmy (the thin guy on the right) was all about it, his buff blonde buddy Vance took a bit more convincing on the part of my ladyfriend to show all the goods.

Check out Jimmy who just cannot stop playing with his cock. Rick played with me on my side and I have to say, we won, but only because Jimmy was swinging his dick around and knocked over the last cup. I apologize for the quality of the video, I wasnt taping, I was playing. My ladyfriend had the camera and while she is a sweetheart, probably not the best videographer around. But we get it where we can, and I think you will find that the rawness of it is really hot. These are real buddies who work with each other every day, party with each other, have each others backs (they describe themselves as brothers at one point, they are a tight bunch) enjoying rocking out with their cocks out at a party where everybody can see them.

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