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Fun at Dinks Part 2 (32 min)

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70 people rate this as hot!

The fun continues in Part Two of Fun at Dinks. After Austin and my boy Scorpius finished fucking the two girls in the hot tub (which action is featured on, the action moved inside to Dink's pool house. You saw a little bit of that in the last update, Fun at Dinks Part One. But now the action outside is over the poolhouse gets crowded with naked guys...some Joe's friends, some Dink's guys, all together for the first time. It's really difficult to describe all the good goings on in this update.

The reason everyone moved inside was because the fucking moved inside, and you'll see a lot of that action in the next update on (SemperFuck, in case you don't know, is straight marines having straight sex but with the action all centered on the guys...if you've ever enjoyed straight porn but wished the camera would get off the girl and concentrate on the guy, then SemperFuck is for you). So this update is all the in-between buddies hanging out chillin' in between fuck sessions. Austin from Active Duty shows up quite a bit with his midwestern corn-fed body, big dick and awesome side tattoo, as well as Fox who became a favorite in his Dink's Active Duty Warchest updates.

Both these dudes are straight, which might not be so obvious here because Austin at one point digs right into Fox's ass with his tongue, but it's a little more obvious on SemperFuck when both these guys pound the shit out of the girls, and I mean like a jack-hammer. Here they show off what cool, laid back fun guys they are, which is a sid of the guys you rarely get to see in a straight-up porn update. There's also a bunch of my buddies, including Scorpius, Styx, and Fuckmaster, as well as a host of my other buddies who do not get naked but are there for the party and definitely enjoying the show. It's fun to watch al the naked guys run around with their cocks flopping, and the rest of the guys hanging out at what is surely one of the best and craziest parties they've ever been to.

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