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Tylers Audition (34 min)

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Here's another from the series of auditions I held recently. Here's Tyler, a good buddy of mine who I've been hanging out with quite a bit...especially last weekend when he was getting out of the USMC. Anyhow, this video is actually from a couple weeks back when I was doing auditions for guys who wanted to be in some of my porn videos.

First I asked him a few questions. Name: tyler Hunt, Age, 22...what kinds of girls he likes ("good lookin, nice rack"), best feature ("I'd have to say my looks"...well, he's got confidence anyway), craziest place he ever had sex ("on a cliff overlooking the ocean"), and first time (strip poker game gone wild...he and a buddy tag teamed a girl...).

He was a little nervous, so after I got him to take off his shirt and drop his pants and Marine Corps silkies, I left him on the couch to get himself worked up watchng some porn. I took him awhile, and he doesn't really get it going til the last half of the video, but I left it all in so you could make your own decision about whether you wanted to see it or not.

Occasionallly I come in and take the camera off the tripiod so you can get some nice close up shots of him working his tool. He's a good looking guy for sure, with a nice solid dick (once he gets over his shyness).

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