Screentest (44 min)

So if you've been following the site for any length of time, you know that I shoot straight porn...you know, the kind with guys fucking girls.
These videos require that I audition the guys to see if they can actually perform. All my buddies here want to be in porn, but only a few of them actually should be. So I recently had a bunch of my bros over, and I also invited my friend Kori who is an actual real-live porn star to help out, since she's the one who will most often be starring in those porns and has to work with the guys and so has a vested interest in finding the good ones.
Rambo and I go way back, he comes over all the time. In fact you can hear us commenting in the video that the short he's wearing is the one he had on the first time we hung out...we both have the same shirt and were wearing it on the same day. We've been buds ever since.
Originally he wasn't even going to audition, he just came over with a bunch of his buddies, who you can see at certain parts of the video watching in the background. They're actually watching Kori play with herself, or they say they are. If you like the idea of a hot marine jerking off in front of his buddies, you'll like that part. I had to blur out their faces because they didn't want to be seen watching their bro spank his monkey, but there they are.
They all ended up doing audition videos of their own anyway, although not all of them were as successful as Rambo, who had no problem at all getting his big thick dick hard as a rock and delivering a big load. Yes his friends are there watching him as cum drips down all over his fingers.
It's not the usual casual nudity that you see on MSB, but these guys are all very straight, and they're all good buddies...of me and each other.
Kori starts the whole thing off by asking a bunch of stock questions, the usual shit...when was the first time you did it, where was the craziest place (he got in trouble with the USMC for fucking a girl on the parade grounds), and so on. Turns out Rambo can suck his own dick (although he doesn't in this video) and there's also a great discussion about whether getting fucked in the ass with a dildo is gay if a girl is doing it (no).
The questions actually start out with "how old are you", which leads to a discussion of a fight we had here at the pad a while back. The wrong people showed up to one of my shindigs and got into a fight with my boys, and some marines got hurt pretty bad and some underage guys got in trouble. It was a bad night, but it was kind of cool at the same time cuz we all had each other's backs. You find out who your friends are in a fight like that. Rambo was there, but since he wasn't underage he didn't get carted off by the MPs.
There's no denying, Rambo has a huge dick and you get to see lots of it. He doesn't change up his position much, he's just sitting there on the couch, but he certainly had no trouble getting or staying hard, or delivering a thick creamy load even though his friends were watching.