Dan, Hot Sk8tr Dude (30 min)

I met Dan in a hardware store. He was working behind the counter, bored off his ass and (he told me later) high.
I was in there with a friend getting some towing supplies, and wasn't even intending to be scouting. But the moment I saw him, I knew I had to get him on camera.
He had that certain youthful energy that an 18 year-old has, but was mature enough that he seemed older...I didn't feel like I was robbing the cradle at all. In fact, I might have guessed he was 20...except for the fact that he still had that "new", "fresh" feeling, still excited about the world and being a man finally, and not yet jaded.
As my buddy shopped around, I got up the balls to go up to the counter and chat him up. Dan was one of the first guys I ever handed my card out to during the course of my day, and he was so good-looking that it was very imtimidating. But as I looked himi I realized I just could not pass up an opportunity like him. And somehow, I just sensed that he'd be down.
We had a brief little chat...I handed him my card...and then me and my buddy went home with his new tools, adrenaline still charging me up like a motherfucker. I was practically banging off the walls with sexual tension...my buddy's pretty hot himself, by the time he and I got back to his place I was practically pulling his pants off. We had never actually fooled around before then, so I actually got some thanks to Dan, but that's another story.
About a month later I got a call out of the blue. I had written him off completely...figured that he had lost my card and moved on. How wrong I was. He hadn't called 'cuz his girl wouldn't let him, but he was newly single and he needed some cash. I can help with that.
He showed up at the shoot with his best bud, who was this hot thug dude with a bunch piercings and tatts. A lot of producers would have been freaked out at the guy showing up with a tough, street-fightin' buddy but not me. His friend stayed with us all through the interview. I was hoping he might even stay around for the shoot...or join his buddy...but when it came time for Dan to drop his clothes his friend went out the door to wait in the car. Oh well. He got to see some anyway...
After the interview was over and his buddy was safe from having to look at his naked ass, it was time to get Dan to drop his pants.
Now he's something of an exhibitionist, so after it wasn't hard to get him to step out on the balcony and say hi to the world. The pad where I was shooting at the time is this great place in San Francisco, and is in the gay section...so a naked guy on a balcony is, if anything, a good thing. The best part is when he rcognizes his friend waiting in the car for him and waves...and then he pops back inside when it turns out some old lady saw him.
Even inside, the place has floor-to-celing windows on two sides, so anyone that reallly wants to see in can. It's on the thrird floor, so whoever's watching has to be in one of the other houses on one of the other hills, but you can definitely see right in. Think about that when you see Dan jerking off in front of the windows...and about how hot it must be for him to get to show off for everybody like that.
Something I had noticed before but dismissed becomes obvious to me as we're shooting: He's really curious. He keeps looking at me when I'm filming. I've told him to play for the camera ("Pretend there's a hot girl in there."), but you'll notice at one point that I'm holding the camera above my head and he's looking at me. I actually heve to remind him to look up at the camera, instead of the cameraman.
So, I decide to get a little more bold. I lay down on the floor and I'm shooting up at his cock from below, and once again he's looking at me with that look...that "I'm straight but I'm sooo curious and I never thought I'd ever get to jack off while looking at a real guy before" look. So I tell him to stand over me, and he eagerly says "Like this?" Now I'm laying between his legs, looking right up at his package, and he's looking right down at me, actually moving just slightly enough that his dick isn't in the way. The look on his face as he does this is priceless...I really should have asked him if I could touch it, I know he would have said yet.
For a finish, he drops a luge load of cum onto the floor (I have to be honest, I sampled it and it was awesome...I can only imagine what a huge load right in the mouth would be llike). I had him step out onto the balacony one more time and wave goodbye to all his "fans" out there, then it was time to hit the shower.
The shower is actually my favorite part of the video...he's had a great time and we're chatting it up as he takes his shower...he explains how he lied to this girl he likes about coming out to do this, and now he's gonna have to lie to her 'cuz they're about to all hit a Giants game.
The only other thing I'll add about Dan's video...it makes me cum every time I watch it, 'cuz Dan's just so hot and so much fun to be around.