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Naked Outlaws (52 min)

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Mark and George are roommates and best friends. I love these guys because not only are the hot but since they're best buds they're totally comfortable being naked around each other--after all they see each other in the buff pretty much every damn day. And both of them are practically nudists. I'm pretty sure any random time you go by their room on base you're gonna catch one or both of them naked, or at least not wearing more than boxers.

Last Mother's Day, of all days, we all went out to the desert for some fun time. Two more friends came along, my friend S was there and she brought Jake a friend of hers (also a marine) that I had never met before but who wanted to have fun with us. The more the merrier. Mark and George showed up with Dane who is a super cool dude who you saw them playing beer pong with back in "Lowhangers". That's actually Dane's truck they all drove out in.

He doesn't get naked but he's totally cool with it when they are--he's just your classic guy who's so easy going he doesn't give a fuck. We got out there kinda late and the sun was about to set, which is why it's all Rosy. Right as we were about to pack up a car drove by! We were surprised--I thought that location waas remote enough we would never run across anyone out there but I was so wrong. We weren't too worried though, I mean who's gonna fuck with a bunch of naked marines with a shotgun? No, you're gonna keep driving, which is just what they did. But then apparently they called the cops, because the highway patrol showed up not much later. Luckily by then the sun had gone down and we had our pants on and were headed home.

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