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A Shower and a Smoke (38 min)

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On of my best buddies loves to get naked...he's basically the hottest nudist you've ever met. We've been hanging out for a long time and I finally convinced him to let post some of the tapes I've made of him and his buddies having fun hanging out. This first one is of a bull session he and I were having one warm hot evening. We'd been hanging out all day and he needed to take a shower before going off to meet some chick he was hoping to score with (that basically describes almost any night with me and this guy).

Despite the fact that he's about to go get laid, and I was pulling for my buddy to go get him some, he had so much fun getting taped with his cock out that it's actually hard to convince to put his clothes back on. you can tell he's actually disappointed at having to put his drawers on, even though he's about to go get laid. I fucking love this guy. With his great looks, amazing body, and a voice that you could listen to all night long you will too.

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