The nice thing about Southern California is that even in November you will sometime get random awesome days, and my buddy Chuck and I took advantage of one of those days recently to go exploring.
The other advantage of living in SoCal is you can take your Jeep out into the desert and there's no one else out there so you can run around... continued
So Randy and I had reason to head down the hill to grab a part for his vehicle, and he was feeling particularly horny...and we had been talking about how much fun it was to go naked driving, and I had a pretty good idea that I'd be able to talk him into it. As it turns out, I didn't have to talk him into anything, not even jerking off whi... continued
So if you've been following my Snapchat or Instagram, you've been dying to see Jack for a while now.
Jack, another buddy of mine and I went shooting on of all days, Easter. We went out to the desert and my other buddy (who must remake nameless and unseen) brought his huge arsenal of firearms. We took them out to the empty desert where... continued
In the second part of Garage Naked Beer Pong, Randy and Caleb go for Round 2. They put their shirts and shorts back on, but not their full kit, so it wouldn't take long for them to get naked which is what I think they really wanted.
After a quick game the boys start playing slap-ass, Marine-style. Which means both their cheeks were r... continued
Long time fans of my site know that 99.9% of the guys I tape on my site are Marines from the bas next door. One of the only civilians I ever taped was big-dicked Stoner Scott. The cool thing about Scott is that he was raised by nudists, so even though he's straight he doesn't give a damn about being naked, at all.
On this particular d... continued
And this is when things got interesting. Too much goes on to even tell you about, you'll just have to watch the preview video. Brad and his buddy S. are looking for some pussy by calling every umber in my phone, but Oscar cuts to the chase and starts jerking off. Oscar has a huge dick when he's hard and he gets so into it. When he's done ... continued
Some of my buddies including Ted and Shawn had a 96 (96 hours of liberty) and wanted to spend it off-base. So we rented a room and had a motel party, and of course I brought my camera.
Out at the bar we met Brad and his buddy who came back to the room to party with us. Brad was the first to get naked, cuz he don't give a fuck, and then... continued
I think you'll love the three buddies, who came over to my pad to drink, barbque, and ended up (as so many of my buddies do) playing naked beer pong.
Robbie, Steve and Jackson are three best buds from the same platoon, Robbie and Steve are actually roommates in the barracks (Jackson lives just a few doors down) and have known each othe... continued
I shot this video months ago, and held on to it because I wasn't sure if I wanted to release it on MyStraightBuddy, owing to the fact that there is rather a lot of boobies in this one. And it's kind od short, owing to A) the fact that I was having a really good time and didn't want to be holding a camera and B) the naked dude at the heart... continued
Almost 50 minutes of pure straight marine craziness. Chrissie is almost wore out but the boys are ready to make the full march. As Jersey puts it, "We're brothers forever after this!"
Four of my best bros came over to hang out after the bars closed. Female Marine Chrissie was there, and boy does that girl love some dick and my four horny marine buddies were ready to oblige.
So if you remember about 2 months ago, I posted a video called "Naked Havasu", shot on a Labor Day trip to Lake Havasu, which is basically a party spot for drunk college kids especially on holidays like Labor Day. The marines love to go because there's no chicks out here in the desert, but plenty of them at Havasu. There's lots of boning.... continued
Regular viewers know that there's a spot, not too far from my house, where I like to go naked hiking and shooting (unfortunately, due to CCBill regulations, I cannot show the shooting). Cole heard about this place and wanted me to take him there so we could go naked hiking, which sounded like a lot of fun to me. I told him I would take hi... continued
My three favorite guys are back in a seriously hot video. Dan, Chris, and Ray are best friends in the barracks. Dan and chris are actually roommates in the barracks (or were, Chris and Dan have both since gotten out of the Corps and are civilians, Dan will be out in a month or so...this is the problems with being buds with marines, they a... continued
Mark and George are roommates and best friends. I love these guys because not only are the hot but since they're best buds they're totally comfortable being naked around each other--after all they see each other in the buff pretty much every damn day. And both of them are practically nudists. I'm pretty sure any random time you go by thei... continued
So one afternoon Dan was bored and wanted to go shooting. My "box of shit that needs to get shot" was still relatively full, so I told him to come on the fuck over. I grabbed the camera and we went out to my favorite spot out in the middle of ass-nowhere. Unfortunately the USMC had other plans and after we were already out there he got a ... continued
Steve is married to a friend of mine. It was at their house that Mark and George and the gang were playing naked beer pong 2 weeks back. When he heard how much fun we like to have running around naked out in the desert, naturally he wanted to join in the fun. So we packed my Mossberg in the Jeep and headed out to the desert for a little t... continued