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Download videos of naked Marines
So last weekend we had a big party at my place. Lots of marines and a couple girls came over, and we ended up partying to way, way late. How late? When this video starts the last hangers on have just gone to bed, the sun has come up, and it's just me a my buddy Joseph left standing. And let me tell you, we are both plastered. It's a good ... continued
You've seen my buddy Jock a bunch of times now and you've seen how comfortable he is running around naked. This video is from one of the very first times he did a video for me, immediately after he got back from Iraq, but before he met and married his wife (quick marriage, even quicker divorce). We were at my place waiting for our frie... continued
My buddy J recently got out of the USMC a couple months ago, but stayed in town because he was working a construction job. He started growing the mohawk and the goatee pretty much the minute he drove out the front gate. Eventually though it was time for him to leave town and head home. For the last couple weeks he, like so many of my ... continued
So y'all know I shoot videos for another site called well recently I met a bunch of really super-cool guys who like to have fun, and I thought we'd have some fun by bringing down a girl from LA for them to fuck. That and my buddy Wyatt was about to get out of the USMC and go home, and it'll be a while before I see my best ... continued
Doug is the rare exception here at My Straight Buddy--he's not a marine, he's a navy corpsman. Whereever you find marines, you will also find Corpsmen, they're basically medics. Every marine has a soft spot in his heart for corpsmen because of you get tore up in combat, it's a corpsman that's gonna save you life. I'm fortunate to know a b... continued
My buddy Dan and his roommate in the barracks Chris were hanging out in my room drinking beer and shooting the shit. I used the opportunity to quiz them on various aspects of barracks life in the USMC, covering topics like how often they see each other naked, how many girls they've fucked together, and all kinds of other crazy stories. ... continued
So after Brodeo Pt 1, George, Brian and I went to a baseball game and had more than a few $12 beers (for those of you who are interested, it was a Diamondbacks/Padres game and the Diamonbacks took it). Afterwrads, we stumbled back to the hotel room and pretty soon these two were as naked as they wanted to be, which was pretty damn naked. ... continued
Meet new (to you) buddy Cole. I've known Cole for a good long while. Several, some would say too many, nights a week we're out at the local watering hole together and having a good time. This time, he ended up back at my house. Last Sunday evening I got a call from a friend, it was his last day in the Corps and he and the crew were he... continued
I hadn't seen my buddies Robbie and Steve (who are best friends and roommates in the barracks) since they got back out of the field, so I had them over to the house last weekend, along with my buddies Nick and Brennan (who are also best friends and roommates but off base at Nick's house). The afternoon started off regular enough, ... continued
Mark and George are back and I've got a new toy for them to fuck with, literally! Some hot horny mags and a Hustler and these guys are ready to get their dicks wet, but we're not gonna let the fact that there's no girls here get in the way.
Not much later on the same day Marcus, having witnessed his buddy Ford overcome by my extra hot DVD (It's Desperate Housewhores 3 BTW), found himself in the same position: his pants were getting in the way of the boner the DVD was giving him. He also remembered the Fleshlight from last time, but I had since gotten a one, a clear one w... continued
I have a buddy that sometimes stops by after work for a dick-licking. Rick came by before he did and I didn't tell Nick he was coming over, hoping that Rick would want to stick around and help me tape, which he did.
Not long after Matt got back from Iraq, he married his sweetheart. Actually, they eloped to Vegas. They were far too broke for a honeymoon, and ended up staying at my place for a few days. Not a vacation to the Caribbean to be sure but but at least they could spend some time fucking without him having to go back to the barracks. You've s... continued
So MLK jr Day is my new favorite drinking holiday. My buddies had what they call a "96", that is, a 4-day weekend. I'm proud to say that we partied every single day. Friday was the first night, and one of my buddies brought over three of his buddies to hang with us. They were all super-cool but one--Matt--turned out to be a singularly coo... continued
Not long after Matt got back from Iraq, he married his sweetheart. Actually, they eloped to Vegas. They were far too broke for a honeymoon, and ended up staying at my place for a few days. Not a vacation to the Caribbean to be sure but but at least they could spend some time fucking without him having to go back to the barracks. You've... continued
You already know that my buddy Jack stayed with me for a few days a while back. He's a really good guy and helped out a lot around the pad in exchange for having a place to crash while he looked for a job, which was nice because A) I had a lot of shit that needed to get done and B) he liked to be naked while he did them. Always a plus in ... continued
I recently went on a short little road trip with two of my buddies; George, who you already know and Brian, who is one of George's (and my) best friends but you haven't seen yet. We spent two days in sunny San Diego drinking, cruising for chicks and generally having a blast. And I thought I would share some of the hilights with you. Th... continued
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