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Download videos of naked Marines
You could also consider this movie to be "Naked Jock Part 2". Jock's out of the tub and hanging out in the kitchen with his cock hanging out, to the amusement and consternation of his buddy, who at once is cool with everything and also not all that thrilled about having cock in his face since Jock loves being naked an won't put his pan... continued
My three favorite guys are back in a seriously hot video. Dan, Chris, and Ray are best friends in the barracks. Dan and chris are actually roommates in the barracks (or were, Chris and Dan have both since gotten out of the Corps and are civilians, Dan will be out in a month or so...this is the problems with being buds with marines, they a... continued
This video is actually a continuation of Buzzcut 2. Zack has just got done giving Jack a really terrible buzzcut. We all told Jack at the time it was fine but's a good thing Jack didn't have any kind of inspection the next day (not that he would, unlike most of the guys on this site Jack is a former marine). When this was t... continued
So, this is a video I recorded two and half years ago, right before the end. It sucked to have to put it on the shelf, because it's such a hot video. It's the last one with Nick, who was the Marine who got popped in the 29 Palms Marine Porn Scandal, and James who was a sergeant getting out of the USMC so I got him to let me tape him in un... continued
In the second part of Garage Naked Beer Pong, Randy and Caleb go for Round 2. They put their shirts and shorts back on, but not their full kit, so it wouldn't take long for them to get naked which is what I think they really wanted. After a quick game the boys start playing slap-ass, Marine-style. Which means both their cheeks were r... continued
I was hanging out with my bros Caleb and Keith and Caleb's place—actually Nikki's place where Caleb has been renting a room since he got out a few months ago. Nikki has a nice garage where Caleb keeps his bikes, and we were doing that dude thing where we all hang out chill while our buddy works on his shit. Both these dudes are basicall... continued
Back from the dead from a restored hard derive, it's Part 2 of this chill night with buds Caleb and Keith, I met them when they were both still in the Corps but they're out now, Caleb very obviously so. Like an only-recently cultivated plant, as soon as he was out he reverted straight back to his wild roots. Lucky for me, he stayed in tow... continued
Zed and Neo are best bros, and we hang out a lot together, all three of us. A better, more loyal set of best friends you'll never find. I love these guys. Their ginger buddy William I don't know as well but he was cool, too. He was a fellow Marine from Zed's shop, married, just had a kid. Totally cool with peepin' his buddies' asses getti... continued
So I've been sitting on this one for a minute, waiting for Caleb to get out of the Corps (you'll notice we're talking about him going on Xmas leave in a few weeks in the video). Caleb is a tall Marine with a big dick...doesn't start out that way but this kid is the definition of a grower cuz it gets huge. He's hot a killer personality tha... continued
If I have a favorite spot to hang out in the desert, it's got to be the abandoned mine outside of town. you've seen it before in some videos with Zack. It's far enough out of town that no one's going to bother you while you're out there, and yet it's totally accesible even if you don't have a 4-wheel drive. Lots of people must think the s... continued
Steve is married to a friend of mine. It was at their house that Mark and George and the gang were playing naked beer pong 2 weeks back. When he heard how much fun we like to have running around naked out in the desert, naturally he wanted to join in the fun. So we packed my Mossberg in the Jeep and headed out to the desert for a little t... continued
So Randy and I had reason to head down the hill to grab a part for his vehicle, and he was feeling particularly horny...and we had been talking about how much fun it was to go naked driving, and I had a pretty good idea that I'd be able to talk him into it. As it turns out, I didn't have to talk him into anything, not even jerking off whi... continued
So Chuck is a buddy who got back from Syria, it feels to me like he just got back but it was actually like 2 months ago. Chuck likes to come over cuz he has a super-uptight christian roommate in the barracks, and it's hard to get TV time. Chuck says sometimes he just informs his roommate he's going into the shitter to spank one and don't ... continued
This video takes place immediately after the events of "Quarters". It's actually one long video, Quarters is the first part, this is the second, and the next video ("Horny Zack") is how the night finished off. I just spilt it up into 3 parts for convenience. When this video starts Zack and I have decided to kill some time by going out ... continued
This is the 3rd video in the trilogy. First Zack and I played "Quarters" and he ended up running around naked, then Josh came over and they cleaned my shotgun...naked in "Naked Shotgun Funtime". When this video starts Zack is still naked and Josh still has his pants down. Something about cleaning my shotgun and running around naked all... continued
My buddy Zack loves to be naked. Almost any excuse will do. Lately when he gets off duty he's been coming over to my pad so he can enjoy a clothes-free lifestyle, and he lets me tape everything. I hope y'all are enjoying it. Last Monday he came over to hang out and we got to talking about YouTube videos, and I mentioned the famous "Men... continued
Meet new Marine Keith. We've been drinking buds for a while, until recently of course. Keith will be on elf the first Marines I have shots with when all this is over. Keith is from Texas, and you can tell by his accent that he's got an old pickup with a shotgun and a fishing pole back home. He's one of them country types who don't giv... continued
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