This video is from several months back, when Randy and Wyatt, otherwise known as 'Fuckmaster' were visiting at the same time, we spent a whole weekend partying, and this happened at one of those parties.
There's more of this video that will be posted in the "iPhone" section very soon, like in the next few days
In the second part of Garage Naked Beer Pong, Randy and Caleb go for Round 2. They put their shirts and shorts back on, but not their full kit, so it wouldn't take long for them to get naked which is what I think they really wanted.
After a quick game the boys start playing slap-ass, Marine-style. Which means both their cheeks were r... continued
Randy and Caleb are best friends and have been for about as long as they've both been stationed here in the Marines. Their times here almost matched but Caleb got here a little later and so got out a little later, waiting for him to get out of the Corps is why I've been sitting on this video, which was actually shot on--get this--Christma... continued
OK, for those of you on my public Snapchat (msb_joe), you met Randy here a while ago, and you've been following his crazy antics and out friendship for a minute now. If you're not on my Snapchat (again, just do a search for 'msb_joe') you've been missing out big time.
A note about my Snapchats. I have two accounts, one of them ('msb_j... continued
Mac and Joel are, like so many of the guys you meet at my house, marines and best friends. Joel is the one with tatts, Mac is the one with the huge dick. Both of them are hot as hell, in different ways.
Anyways, I was out drinking with a lady friend of mine and these two have been friends of hers for a minute. So, when the bars closed... continued
Trip is one of the sexiest motherfuckers I have ever met. His body is hot enough, but there's something in the way he moves and talks that will just kill you.
His step-brother Kody is also a marine and got posted to the same base. They've been brothers for about 4 years, I guess Kody's dad married Trip's mom, and they are super tight.
... continued
The crazy night continues, a few beers later, a little bit crazier.
Once again, we ended up back at my place after the bar, 3 marines and one ex marine.
My buddy Nick is one of my best friends ever, a great guy with a heart of gold, who just got back from Afcrapistan several days before this night. We were out at the bar celebrating when we ran into Scottie, who is an old buddy of mine from back in the ... continued
OK, so at first glance you'll say, "Joe, I only see three naked buddies." It's true, this party lasted so long I had to break it into two parts, each of which is almost an hour long as it is. The guys were having so much fun they invited a buddy to come over and get naked with them, although they pranked him and didn't tell him that's wha... continued
My 3 buddies Robbie, Steve and Jackson came over to hang out, bbq, and play some beer pong. There's not a lot of nudity in this one, but the guys are a lot of fun.
I think you'll love the three buddies, who came over to my pad to drink, barbque, and ended up (as so many of my buddies do) playing naked beer pong.
Robbie, Steve and Jackson are three best buds from the same platoon, Robbie and Steve are actually roommates in the barracks (Jackson lives just a few doors down) and have known each othe... continued
My buddies James, Ted and Ricco came over one otherwise boring evening, and you won't be surprised to discover that a night of drinking led to one thing and another, and boom there we were playing naked beer pong (again).
James and Ricco are best friends and war buddies. Proof: they have matching tattoos. All of them work together, so ... continued
Mike, Mike, Mike...I am so glad to be sharing this buddy with you. Mike is one hell of a fun guy, who loves to drink and party almost as much as I do. We went out one night, and he ran into one of his old sergeants who had just got out, and we ended up going back to my place to party after the bars closed. Mike got a little crazy, and I g... continued
A bunch of my buddies who are all in the same unit came over and got trashed...which led to a lap dance I'll never forget!
Last Labor day, a bunch of marines and I went to Lake Havasu, which is a big party spot that goes nuts with wild parties and girls on major summer holidays. The marines for their part are mainly happy to just get off base for a minute.
After a crazy two days of partying we all ended up back in my hotel room. Pretty much everyone had go... continued
And now I would like to introduce you to Tony. Tony is a 22 y/o italian kid from New Jersey, and is best friends with Dan (or was...Dan just got out and is on a long roadtrip home even as I write this). They're from the same unit and have been for 3 years, but only started hanging out about 3 months ago. This was the first time I'd actual... continued