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Jock has been in 4 movies

You could also consider this movie to be "Naked Jock Part 2". Jock's out of the tub and hanging out in the kitchen with his cock hanging out, to the amusement and consternation of his buddy, who at once is cool with everything and also not all that thrilled about having cock in his face since Jock loves being naked an won't put his pan... continued
You've seen my buddy Jock a bunch of times now and you've seen how comfortable he is running around naked. This video is from one of the very first times he did a video for me, immediately after he got back from Iraq, but before he met and married his wife (quick marriage, even quicker divorce). We were at my place waiting for our frie... continued
Not long after Matt got back from Iraq, he married his sweetheart. Actually, they eloped to Vegas. They were far too broke for a honeymoon, and ended up staying at my place for a few days. Not a vacation to the Caribbean to be sure but but at least they could spend some time fucking without him having to go back to the barracks. You've... continued
Not long after Matt got back from Iraq, he married his sweetheart. Actually, they eloped to Vegas. They were far too broke for a honeymoon, and ended up staying at my place for a few days. Not a vacation to the Caribbean to be sure but but at least they could spend some time fucking without him having to go back to the barracks. You've s... continued

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