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Keith has been in 4 movies

Back from the dead from a restored hard derive, it's Part 2 of this chill night with buds Caleb and Keith, I met them when they were both still in the Corps but they're out now, Caleb very obviously so. Like an only-recently cultivated plant, as soon as he was out he reverted straight back to his wild roots. Lucky for me, he stayed in tow... continued
I was hanging out with my bros Caleb and Keith and Caleb's place—actually Nikki's place where Caleb has been renting a room since he got out a few months ago. Nikki has a nice garage where Caleb keeps his bikes, and we were doing that dude thing where we all hang out chill while our buddy works on his shit. Both these dudes are basicall... continued
Like it says, Keith came over and was horny as fuck, like he usually is. I had my weights out and that motivated him to move some 'bells, which motivated him to take off his shirt, which motivated him to get naked, which motivated him to take his dick in his hand, which motivated me to get out my famous fake pussy and ass for him t... continued
Meet new Marine Keith. We've been drinking buds for a while, until recently of course. Keith will be on elf the first Marines I have shots with when all this is over. Keith is from Texas, and you can tell by his accent that he's got an old pickup with a shotgun and a fishing pole back home. He's one of them country types who don't giv... continued

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