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Mach has been in 7 movies

Later that same night, after Nick had woke up from his nap and Mach and I had drank some beers..
It's videos like this why I always keep my cameras charged. Mach was hanging out at my pad, Nick stopped by to chill after football practice (no he is not on the USMC football team, it's just between divisions, like Tanks against Infantry). Mach was bragging about how much his wife liked his hands, as he was really good with them, and Nic... continued
My buddies Mach and Ford were hanging out at my place chillin with a few beers before we headed out to the bar as we are wont to do. Ford had just turned 21 and was eager to go out and meet some ladies, and both the guys got themselves convinced, no matter what I could say to them, that they needed to shave their junk. Yeah I know. But at... continued
My buddy Mach came over for some hot tub time because he and a buddy had overdone their workout and he was sore as hell. One thing led to another, first a massage and then a jerk off session where he ended up cumming on me lol
My buddy Mach was hanging out at my house one day after duty...we were just chillin drinking beer and whatnot, and then all this happened. This video is almost an hour long and still I had to cut so much out of us just hanging out having a good time. He's such a fun guy, always looks like he's getting away with something. It doesn't h... continued
This is a continuation of the first was just too big so I had to split it up into 2 parts. The first part has some foul language in it, which I explain in the text of that video but by this point in the video Eric has passed out on the couch so there's no more hardcore trash talk. So if you want to see these hot marines nake... continued
This started out as an insane crazy night at the bar, and ended up just getting more insane as the night went on. So there I was, hanging out with Ted at the local watering hole, when we ran into some guys I knew from the gate on base, so we ended up doing shots and shots and more shots and pretty soon we were all feeling pretty good.... continued

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