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Karl has been in 3 movies

So tonights video was just "one of those things". The guys and I had been hanging out partying for a couple hours, had plenty of beers by that time and were tired. And out of that hazy fog of intoxication and whatnot, Robbie started talking shit about who could come fastest even though they were so wiped out, and of course when they start... continued
Okay for part two the fourth buddy, who showed up at the end of the last video, joins in the fun. He and Robbie have just spent the weekend hooking up with chicks at the Stagecoach music festival, but now that they're back they're ready to party and have fun.
OK, so at first glance you'll say, "Joe, I only see three naked buddies." It's true, this party lasted so long I had to break it into two parts, each of which is almost an hour long as it is. The guys were having so much fun they invited a buddy to come over and get naked with them, although they pranked him and didn't tell him that's wha... continued

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