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Mark has been in 7 movies

Mark and George are roommates and best friends. I love these guys because not only are the hot but since they're best buds they're totally comfortable being naked around each other--after all they see each other in the buff pretty much every damn day. And both of them are practically nudists. I'm pretty sure any random time you go by thei... continued
Mark you remember from back in the day when he and George used to come over to my house after duty and have fun. Jeff was in his same platoon but I could never get him on video. Now both of them are out and living it up on the coast surfing and going to school and making it look easy. Jeff in particular I wish you could have seen asa c... continued
OK this was kind of a crazy night at the pad. We got t talking about YouTube videos that feature guys playing Guitar Hero naked, which I don't know why it seems like guys really like to play that naked but they do. Look it up on YouTube. Well, they were down for that. Sounds like a good time for this crew! I only included 2 songs becau... continued
My buddies Mark and George came over, and ended up hanging out too late for George to get his hair back in regs for work the next day.
My buddies Mark and George stopped by after duty a couple days back. As usual we had plans to get smashed and and stay that way, so I let them know that they could come to my place directly after duty and shower up here, that way they could crash here afterwards and have their uniforms ready to go and they could just take off right for wo... continued
Mark and George are back and I've got a new toy for them to fuck with, literally! Some hot horny mags and a Hustler and these guys are ready to get their dicks wet, but we're not gonna let the fact that there's no girls here get in the way.
OMG, these motherfuckers. I think this is one of the hottest videos I've ever taped. It starts off as a regular beer pong game. You've seen a bunch of these already--what can I say, me and my boys like to play beer pong. You can never go wrong because you've got a bunch of marines drinking beer and there's something about beer pong that j... continued

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