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Brad has been in 3 movies

And this is when things got interesting. Too much goes on to even tell you about, you'll just have to watch the preview video. Brad and his buddy S. are looking for some pussy by calling every umber in my phone, but Oscar cuts to the chase and starts jerking off. Oscar has a huge dick when he's hard and he gets so into it. When he's done ... continued
Some of my buddies including Ted and Shawn had a 96 (96 hours of liberty) and wanted to spend it off-base. So we rented a room and had a motel party, and of course I brought my camera. Out at the bar we met Brad and his buddy who came back to the room to party with us. Brad was the first to get naked, cuz he don't give a fuck, and then... continued
Meet my buddy Brad. Or rather, meet my buddy Brad, Ted, and myself after a long night of drinking out at the bar. We went to the bar, we played beer pong, and we drank all night. Finally about 3am Brad gets the idea that he wants to watch some porn and maybe fuck the fake pussy. So, we go back to the man cave and put on some smut, and... continued

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